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Jeremy Tyler

Prepare your business for Summer 2022

Summer 22’ is around the corner, make sure you’re prepared to capitalize on all the opportunities available to your business during this time. In other words, even if summer is technically still a few weeks away, starting now and having an idea of what you want to promote, and when you want to promote it, can put you ahead of the competition.

The summer slump can negatively impact company profits if not properly addressed by its marketing department. But how can a company get its customers’ attention during the dog days of summer?

Plan for Summer Holidays

Your back-to-school promotions should be done as early as possible. Companies that started their summer sales earlier yielded better results than those who waited until later in the summer.

Your sales can sometimes hit a roadblock due to the summer slowdown, but July and August are prime months to grab a hold of your customers’ attention with compelling offers.

Host a Summer Event

Summer is a good time to host an event that brings your clients in, while giving them a good look at your company culture. You could host a raffle, fire up a barbeque, put tents up outside, and enjoy the pleasant weather summer has to offer.

Start by reaching out to your clients directly and inviting them, then put ads on Facebook and socials to engage with potential customers. Hosting an event also encourages people to check out your location.


With the warmer weather, it can be a good time to experiment with new product offerings. People tend to be in better moods with the temperature spikes, so they may be more receptable to them; but remember to keep in line with what your customers want.

Ask yourself, how can our products enhance the summertime experience? Customers expect unique experiences, especially in the summer.

Sumer Email Campaign

This time of year is also prime for a breezy email campaign, along with executing your summer initiatives quickly. Try swapping out your email images or copywriting to summer themes to get more people involved with your message.

Remember to offer discounts and specials around the summer holidays, such as Independence Day, and Labor Day. Keep in mind who you’re marketing to, and to keep on the theme of summer in your marketing efforts.

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